Memorandum Decisions
107128/113012 People v McGill 111145 People v Carney 111603 People v Ellithorpe 111642 People v Knowlton 111706 People v Magee 112179 People v VanSlyke 532465 People ex rel. Jones v Collado 532544 Endemann v Dubois 533153 Matter of Dixon v Annucci 533632 People ex rel. Potter v Superintendent of Riverview Correctional Facility 533639 Matter of Saunders v Annucci 533956 Matter of Baxter v Annucci 534137 Matter of Benjamin V. v Shantika W. 534874 Matter of Morgan v Rodriguez
Professional Matters
PM-140-22 Matter of Finamore PM-141-22 Matter of Ramos